Thursday, November 15, 2007

Molly Weasley

Molly Weasley is Harry's stand-in mother. Of course, with seven kids of her own she has her hands full.

Molly is a stay at home mom, who is an excellent cook (according to Harry), and we also know that her family is very poor. Ron is always complaining about all his hand me downs. We also see their bank vault, which Molly takes all the money out of on that occasion as there is very little.

She is your stereotypical mom. She is worried about the family and the children all the time. She has a clock that indicates every family members positioning, and takes to carrying it around with her in the later books. She has been described as being foul-tempered as she rushes about the house looking for spare socks early in the mornings as the children leave for school. She is always trying to make Harry eat extra helpings of food and worrying about the state of his socks.

She is the stricter disciplinarian in the family. When we first meet her for a substantial period of time, she has been yelling at her sons for taking out the car in the middle of the night. Their father reacts to this by asking how it went. She probably has to be strict with six boys, especially the twins who are the class-clown types that are always in trouble. She might be slightly softer to her youngest, and only daughter, Ginny. As I noted in Ginny's blog entry, Molly desperately wanted a daughter.

Of course, she is also a very talented witch. She fights in Hogwart's final battle and is the one to kill Bellatrix Lestrange (which is quite an accomplishment) when Bellatrix is battling with her precious Ginny.

She has been a real comfort to Harry, who does not have any other caring adult females in his life. She is what I would consider the ultimate mom.

My Molly Weasley quote:

"I don't know where you learned about right and wrong, but you seem to have missed a few crucial lessons."

1 comment:

Caitlin Magness said...

I love Molly too! She's one of my favorite characters - I love how she mothers Harry.